Managing Risks Associated With Sexual Misconduct Allegations In The #MeToo Age.In mid-June 2023, a former senior solicitor at an international firm was struck off the Roll of Solicitors following one of the longest and most expensive Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) cases...
In The Know
In The Know
Legal Services Articles – In The Know
Why You MUST Have A Partnership Agreement
Why You MUST Have A Partnership Agreement Most people who decide to form a partnership are completely unaware that the legislation governing such arrangements was enacted in Queen Victoria’s reign. That’s right, the Partnership Act 1890 came into force at a time when...
Prevent Family Business Disputes With a Shareholders Agreement
Prevent Family Business Disputes With A Shareholders' Agreement When Napolean accused the British of being a nation of shopkeepers, he meant it as an insult. However, it is actually a testament to our entrepreneurial spirit. Small businesses make up 99.2% of the UK...
ChatGPT – Opportunities and Legal Implications For Businesses
ChatGPT – Opportunities And Legal Implications For Businesses Depending on what you read and your personal views on technology, ChatGPT is either an amazing tool that will eliminate the drudgery of answering customer questions and writing...
How Do I Deal With A Data Breach
How Do I Deal With A Data Breach? Open any newspaper or magazine these days and you are guaranteed to find an article covering AI or ChatGPT (or both). Everyone seems to be getting incredibly excited about what the latter especially can provide in terms of taking over...
When Should A Risk Assessment Be Carried Out?
When Should A Risk Assessment Be Carried Out? Compliance and risk assessments go together like coffee and cake, tea and scones, Ross and Rachael – you get the idea – you cannot have one without the other. Regardless of your compliance duties and responsibilities, be they under...
Defining and Excluding Consequential Loss In A Contract
Defining and Excluding Consequential Loss In a Contract Defining and Excluding Consequential Loss in a Contract The case of Hadley v Baxendale [1854] EWHC Exch J70 provides a fundamental rule for determining whether the losses stemming from a breach of contract are within the...
A Guide To Resolving Board Disputes
A Guide To Resolving Board DisputesA recent boardroom dispute has resulted in the collapse of a proposed merger between Edinburgh-based Capricorn Energy and Newmed (Israel’s leading energy partnership). In late January 2023, the chief executive, chair, and three directors of...
Lessons From Pepsi, Where’s My Jet?
Lessons From Pepsi, Where's My Jet?Remember the 90s? If you are over 40, you probably look back to the time of Cool Britannia, MTV, Friends, and the Spice Girls and marvel at how innocent and uncomplicated life was. The tragedy that was 9/11 only existed in the minds of...
Avoiding Legal Ombudsman Complaints
Avoiding Legal Ombudsman ComplaintsAside from debt collection, dealing with customer complaints is probably the most dreaded part of being a Solicitor. Most people enter the legal profession with a desire to help others, therefore, having to digest client complaints can be...
How To Avoid Contract Termination Disputes
How To Avoid Contract Termination DisputesHow To Avoid Contract Termination Disputes The contractual clause that allows one party to terminate an agreement is a powerful provision. Drafted correctly, a contract termination clause can mitigate the risk of disputes which can not...
Understanding Solicitors Regulation Authority Principles
Understanding Solicitors Regulation Authority PrinciplesUnderstanding Solicitors Regulation Authority Principles The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), the regulatory body that oversees solicitors and most law firms in England and Wales provide seven principles (the...
How To Recognise And Respond To A GDPR Subject Access Request
How To Recognise And Respond To A GDPR Subject Access RequestAt Forty Three Legal we are aware that protecting your reputation and brand is becoming ever so more important. Often risk to your brand or reputation arise with very little warning and at Forty Three Legal we act...
Directors Duties – Understanding Your Responsibilities As a Company Director
Managing The Risks Around NDAsManaging The Risks Around NDAs Although it is seven years since Harvey Weinstein was exposed, the wide-reaching ramifications of the scandal continue, especially regarding Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs). Earlier this month, the Legal Services...