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Spotlight On The Proposed UK Cyber Governance Code Of Practice

Spotlight On The Proposed UK Cyber Governance Code Of Practice

Spotlight On The Proposed UK Cyber Governance Code of PracticeSpotlight On The Proposed UK Cyber Governance Code Of Practice In 2017, a global ransomware attack known as WannaCry, affected 150 countries and sectors. In the UK, it targeted NHS England, and over a third of trusts...

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Managing The Risks Around NDAs

Managing The Risks Around NDAs

Managaing The Risks Around NDAs  Although it is seven years since Harvey Weinstein was exposed, the wide-reaching ramifications of the scandal continue, especially regarding Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs). Earlier this month, the Legal Services Board (LSB) published its...

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What Is Good Corporate Governance

What Is Good Corporate Governance

What Is Good Corporate Governance  Corporate governance is the ‘G’ in ESG (Environment, Social, and Corporate Governance). It is arguably the most important component because having good corporate governance means a company has the framework in place to build great...

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A Step By Step Guide To Recovering A Disputed Business Debt

A Step By Step Guide To Recovering A Disputed Business Debt

A Step By Step Guide To Recovering A Disputed Business DebtDisputed Business Debt Recovery – A Step By Step Guide Recovery of a disputed business debt is not a task most business owners relish because precious time and energy must be employed to justify all or part of the money...

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Five Things You Must Check Before Signing Terms And Conditions

Five Things You Must Check Before Signing Terms And Conditions

Five Things You Must Check Before Signing Terms And Conditions Five Things You Must Check Before Signing Terms And Conditions Let's begin this article with some honesty – terms and conditions are distinctly unsexy. Consequently, many businesses make them a low priority, meaning...

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Why Every Successful Business Needs A Risk Register

Why Every Successful Business Needs A Risk Register

Why Every Successful Business Needs A Risk RegisterWhy Every Successful Business Needs A Risk Register Does your business have a risk register? If not, you are neglecting a powerful tool that can not only protect you from risk-related disasters, but also help identify...

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Do You Need To RightSize Your Business In 2024?

Do You Need To RightSize Your Business In 2024?

Do You Need To Rightsize Your Business In 2024? With a new year rapidly approaching, it is the perfect time to reassess your business to ensure you have the strategies in place to hit your 2024 growth targets. The surge in energy prices and the challenges posed by the cost of...

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How To Minimise The Risks Of Late/Non Payment Of Invoices

How To Minimise The Risks Of Late/Non Payment Of Invoices

How To Minimise The Risks of Late/Non Payment of Invoices How To Minimise The Risks Of Late/Non Payment Of Invoices French revolutionary Bertrand Barère de Vieusac said that Britain was a "nation of shopkeepers."[1]Being a) French, at a time when the two countries were either...

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Using Arbitration To Resolve Shareholder Disputes

Using Arbitration To Resolve Shareholder Disputes

Using Arbitration To Resolve Shareholder Disputes Using Arbitration To Resolve Shareholder Disputes  Using Arbitration To Resolve Shareholder Disputes Whether your company has two shareholders or two thousand, it is almost inevitable that there will be disagreements at some...

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Why Your Company Needs A Legal Health Check

Why Your Company Needs A Legal Health Check

Why Your Company Needs A Legal Health Check  Why Your Company Needs A Legal Health Check Readers who have celebrated their 40th birthday at some point may remember getting a letter from the NHS inviting them to attend an over 40s health check. This involves several tests,...

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How To Create An ESG Framework (And Why You Should)

How To Create An ESG Framework (And Why You Should)

How To Create An ESG Framework (And Why You Should)  How To Create An ESG Framework (And Why You Should) Everyone in the business world is talking about ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) these days. And for good reason. Although Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, recently...

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What Is A Data Transfer Risk Assessment?

What Is A Data Transfer Risk Assessment?

What Is A Data Transfer Risk Assessment? Many companies engage in a complex web of data transfers - which can include email addresses, phone numbers, employment details, and financial information - to overseas recipients. If you are transferring personal data from the UK, it is...

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What is Greenwashing in Business?

What is Greenwashing in Business?

What is Greenwashing in Business? In case you fear you have hit on the wrong article, rest assured dear reader, this is not a guide on how to wash green stains out of your clothes or be more environmentally friendly when doing your laundry. No, this article covers greenwashing...

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How A Franchise Agreement Can Reduce The Risk Of Disputes

How A Franchise Agreement Can Reduce The Risk Of Disputes

How A Franchise Agreement Can Reduce The Risk Of Disputes How A Franchise Agreement Can Reduce The Risk Of Disputes Reaching a level of success that allows you to contemplate franchising your business is an incredible achievement and one of which you should be proud. It is...

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Protect Your Brand’s Reputation on Social Media

Protect Your Brand’s Reputation on Social Media

Protect Your Brand's Reputation on Social Media  Protect Your Brand’s Reputation On Social Media Social media has revolutionised business communication, therefore, it is crucial to protect your brand’s reputation on social media channels. Readers who began their working lives...

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The Total Cost Of Not Managing Project Risks

The Total Cost Of Not Managing Project Risks

The Total Cost Of Not Managing Project Risks   Most people are well aware of the importance of conducting a comprehensive risk assessment before beginning a new project. However, with the current high inflation/high interest rate economic environment, investing in risk...

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Why You MUST Have A Partnership Agreement

Why You MUST Have A Partnership Agreement

Why You MUST Have A Partnership Agreement  Most people who decide to form a partnership are completely unaware that the legislation governing such arrangements was enacted in Queen Victoria’s reign. That’s right, the Partnership Act 1890 came into force at a time when...

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